Friday, September 23, 2011

Where Do Poets Get Their Ideas?

Where do poets get their ideas? The answers to that question is as numerable as there are poets. If anyone knew a sure answer to writing inspiration, they could make millions but the answer is different for each person.

It's ironic to me that often the inspiration to write comes from the words of others. Reading the words of another can make us want to answer back with our own poem, our own emotions and experiences which their words drew out of us.

I know I am inspired by the quotations of others. Sometimes, I am inspired to write. Sometimes I am inspired to proceed with a course of action. Sometimes I am inspired to never read anything else by that writer. But that's why words are so important. They are just little typed marks on a page but they are more than that. Words are pure inspiration, whether for good or for indifference. Words change others, even if its just in the same way that they don't want to read anything else you write.

Words produce a result. What will your words produce?

Look us some quotations. See if any of them make you want to write a poem.

One of my favorite places to read quotations is through Brain Quote. You can search their site by topic or author!

Here is a poem my friend, Ryk, wrote that is based on a quotation by Einstein:

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